In times of uncertainty like the one we are currently living with the Coronavirus, gratitude takes all its importance. The pandemic has giving us the opportunity to pause and give thanks for all that we have. By cultivating gratitude we learn to find joy in the ordinary. By taking time to appreciate all the little things, we enhance our daily lives and make the most of each and every day whatever the circumstances. A positive attitude to share as a family and to teach to our children.

photo by @blakeacres
What is gratitude?
Let’s start at the very beginning and define the concept.
Gratitude is most often associated with happiness and positive emotions. It is the human ability of expressing appreciation for what one has received, whether from another human, from nature or from a higher power. It is the acknowledgment of something good in one’s life.
To put it very simply, it is “saying thank you” and seeing the glass half full. More than mere good manners, it is a real mindset.
What are the benefits of gratitude?
Counting our blessings has astounding benefits proven by scientific research. Gratitude impacts a wide number of fields among which our emotions, our health and our social relationships.
To name just a few benefits, fostering gratitude:
Makes us happier by enhancing our positive emotions and developing our sense of optimism.
Increases our self-esteem as we feel more confident and at ease with life whatever the circumstances.
Improves our relationships. By making us feel better we become more attractive and available for our friends and loved ones.
Decreases our self-centeredness and makes us more generous.
Reduces impatience and stress.
Helps us to stay healthy by providing better sleep and reducing blood pressure.
For more detailed information on the scientifically proven powers of gratitude we invite you to read the following article : 28 Benefits of Gratitude & Most Significant Research Findings
photo by @blakeacres
How to instill a true sense of gratitude?
Teaching our children to be grateful is a long term process. Just like a garden it must be cultivated. It demands time, exercice and most of all a good example set by us, parents and educators. To install a strong basis, we encourage using the four following steps each time you express gratitude. Make it a habit to notice, think, feel and do.
Notice : Start by asking your child to pause and look for the things to give thanks for, whether tangible or intangible.
Think : Then make him ponder on why he received such a gift or blessing. Did he earn it? Was it for a special occasion? If the answer is no, it will be an even greater reason to say thank you.
Feel : Ask your child to pay attention to the emotions and physical sensations created by this gift.
Do : Encourage your child to take initiatives. Ask him how he wants to express his gratitude through concrete action.
For more details on the four parts of gratitude read the article from the Greater Good magazine.
photo by @blakeacres
Our favorite ways to help little ones develop a grateful mindset are :
- Naming your blessings : This can be done as a family on a regular basis, every night while kissing your child goodnight or once a week every Sunday evening for example. Each member can in turn express two or more things to give thanks for.
- Keeping a gratitude journal : Another option could be to buy a pretty notebook for your child to place on his bedside or working table. Ask him to open it up as often as possible and to draw or write all his small and big joys.
- Writing thank-you notes : Encourage the habit to write thank you messages when receiving a gift, being invited to a party etc...
- Insist on saying thank you : Teach children to say thanks not only to grown ups and teachers but also to friends and siblings each time the opportunity comes up.
- Link gratitude and higher power : Religion almost always goes hand in hand with giving thanks and insist on the acknowledgement of gratitude.
- Reading books on the topic with our children : Discover the book selection of Whitney Caves, mother and therapist. Books for teaching gratitude
Whitney Caves and her daughter
There is no right or wrong option, follow your instinct and adapt our ideas to what suits you best!
Thank you for taking time to read our article! We hope our ideas will inspire you and lead to happy moments with your children! Please do not hesitate to reach out by email at info@charlottesydimby.com or by DM on Instagram! If ever we can support, help or merely bring a smile to your day we would be more than happy to do so!
photo by @blakeacres
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