Christmas as child
When I was little, December was the period of the year that I preferred. With my sisters, five in all, we had such fun helping mom decorate the house... The Christmas tree was the centerpiece of the show. In the library, near the fireplace, covered with warm golden lights and bows, it dominated the scene!
To this day I continue to make a beautifully decorated tree each year, it's one of the highlights of the season.
To mark this special time of the year, we always had an advent calendar with vintage illustrations. We took turns with my sisters to open it each day.
The most exciting moment was Christmas Eve, when the house smelled of the traditional Milan dish : roasted goose... slowly cooked in a copper pot... delicious!
And in the evening, we went to bed very early to wait for Santa Claus, but not before hearing the musicians who played Christmas melodies in the foggy streets. We have music everywhere in Italy, all year round but particularly during Christmas. You'll hear it in boutiques, in homes and played by local bands outdoors.
When we woke up on Christmas morning, before going down the stairs and entering the library room full of gifts, my dad would turn on the music, but only after being sure that Santa had passed!
At the first note we ran down the stairs to enter in a room that seemed to sparkle! Each one had his own gift corner, so that you could not get confused.
I still make a special corner for each child, this is Lucilla's one!
Christmas as a mum
The one who really brought the Christmas spirit in our home has always been my mum, she would always make the house welcoming for those who visited. Now, as a mum myself, I have this special task too.
I have kept all my childhood traditions, it's now wonderful to share them with my children!
Italians, as you know, put family first. So Christmas meals were always a big family gathering and still are today! My parents, my four sisters, their respective husbands and mine, our children and grandchildren all get together and enjoy a Christmas Eve lunch. Since it is not traditionally celebrated, we are sure to be all present.
The fear that the pandemic would keep us away on this very important day, pushed me to create a special, heartfelt tradition. Last year I decided to give to the 'mater familias' (my mommy) homemade Christmas stockings to hang on the fireplace and one for each family members too. It was fabulous!
Another of our homemade traditions is writing letters for Santa… special letters, written with love and entrusted to funny intermediaries... Buon Natale (Merry Christmas).
I am all for crafts play, we love to delve in creative and imaginative projects with the children. That's what my brand is all about.
This is Patisserie. It is not only a toy. It’s a concept that expands beyond mere play.
Learn more about Guilia's brand.
Last but not least, if you wish to know more about the Italian way of life, I encourage you to follow @moms_about_town. Mariangela, mum and storyteller will make you discover the best of our country.
Read more of our Christmas traditions around the world article.
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