Seeing our miniature outfits collection may encourage you to purchase a Sasha doll of your own to display these dresses on. To guide you through the process, we have asked Carol Sluys, avid collector with great experience to share her advice.

Sasha dolls are no longer made but are readily available through private collectors, eBay in all countries, Etsy and even Craigslist. If you follow a few simple rules you can buy a nice doll at a fair price. The average Sasha doll is rarely found under $100. Many nice dolls can be found between $135-$200. A very nice doll, often mint in the box, can be achieved for under $250. However dolls that look very similar to the untrained eye can cost between $100-$1000-$5000. 

My experience is that most, if not all Sasha collectors are very honest people and want to represent the doll for what she is at a fair market price. BUT because these dolls can vary so much in price and look similar to each other, sometimes a person will over price them because they saw a doll that "looked just like theirs" sell for a very high price. That's why it's important to learn how to make the difference. Yes some very special dolls, in particular the ones made by Sasha Morgenthaler herself can be very expensive. But most of them can be acquired at a reasonable price if one has a little knowledge.

How to buy a Sasha doll
Early Gotz doll



Ask yourself and then the seller a few questions to be able to make a proper choice.

Does this doll appeal to you?

Every Sasha doll has a different expression, even those supposed to be identical. If you put them all in a case it will be like a school full of children looking back at you. They take on their own life and almost seem to start talking to you! Follow your heart and emotions as a first guide.

Then ask the seller : 

1. Does the doll have any odor : Getting rid of the moldy smell can be a challenge

2. Does the doll have “ falling hair” : This is usually the case of brunettes from 1965-1975. She may then need a new wig.

3. Does the doll need to be strung and does she have her original elastics or replaced ones : Elastics can establish age and value.

4. Does the doll  has any chew marks : (dogs or kids). Some can be fixed but it is best to know before buying.

5. Does the doll have any paint, nail polish or permanent marker : Believe it or not you can probably remove this but pay accordingly.

6. Has she had her hair cut? Is it dry and frizzy : If you love the doll but not the hair, you can always buy a wig.

7. Is she dressed? Original clothing or mommy made? 

8. Does she have all her paint or are there rub marks? Has she been repainted?

9. Here is a bonus question. Does she still wear her metal tag on her right wrist? Does she still have her box? 

A search for Sasha will also bring up "Sasha Bratz dolls". Eliminate that in your search. Each site has a different way to do it. 


The nice thing about Sasha is that your little one can play normally with her and for the most part not devalue her. It's important to realize that these dolls were originally play dolls, at least through the 1980’s.

They also clean up very very well. If you don't want to fix them up there are several “spas” around that will get your girl all ready for her new dress. 

The second Gotz production were more inclined to be collected by adult collectors. These dolls will be in great shape. In fact most second production Gotz Sasha dolls come mint in the box and most of them sell for $250-$550. They are really beautiful dolls. 


There are three books, that have taught me a great deal of what I know. If you want to learn more these books will be invaluable. One of these books are sold out. If you want one I can try to find a collector that wants to sell them. They were originally $50 each. 


Sasha doll book
Sasha doll book
Sasha doll book


If you need a doll or think you found one and want a second opinion, email me and I will confirm your choice or direct you to some dolls that meet your needs. At this time I don't have any dolls for sale but I know several collectors that do. My email is  Good luck!

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  • Susan daniels

    I have several sasha dolls for sale, some with boxes, all in excellent condition. I can send pictures if you have any interest in purchasing my darling sashas

  • Ethyl Treatman

    I have my original red-haired Sasha from the 1960s. She is naked and is missing her right leg. I wonder do you know where I might have her leg replaced. She has been in a closet for many years!! Thank you for your reply!

  • Jean Chariton

    I have the blonde Sasha doll with the gingham dress. It’s never been played with abs has the tube and the brochures. What would be a good value?

  • Cristina

    I have a Sasha gingham dress doll and am tempted to buy the anniversary doll for some reason, I was wondering if they are very much alike in coloring (eyes, hair) so that it would be redundant to have two very similar dolls. Sorry if this is a silly question.

  • Mary Kinzler

    Dear Charlotte,
    In the Early 60s my sister purchased a Sasha at Marshal Fields Chicago and gave it to my Franciscan sister friend because she admired Sasha dolls. She in turn gave it back to me later. Sasha was never a play doll and is in great shape, she wears her wrist tag, plaid kilts, white knit sweater and has originalI un-combed blond
    hair.Since I am 86 now I would like to sell it for a fair price. The original box is not with the doll. What do you suggest I do to sell it to an honest buyer Thank you for your reply.

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