Pen Pals ·
Enjoy our "get to know each other" templates to present yourself to your new friend. A fun and creative way to make introductions and create a first contact with your Pen Pal.

In these templates you will find :
- A 'present your family' page : We have created several templates for different families. You can add each member's name/nickname, age and/or a photo/drawing. If none of the templates suit you, please send us an email ( and we will create a custom made one just for you.
- A 'present your pet' page : If you wish to present your pet, add a picture in the left box and fill in the right hand box. If you have more than one pet, you can use a page per pet.
- A 'little bit about me' page : We have created three types of presentations for you to introduce yourself. If you signed up as a family you can make one per member or create your very own family presentation. The first presentation is intended for children able to write but adults can fill it in for young ones. The second one is best suited to little ones or for those who wish to be more creative. It can be filled in with photos, drawings or anything you can think of. The third one is for older children or adults who wish to write a proper letter by themselves.
- A 'I would love to know' page : Ask your Pen Pal questions. It could be about their favourite time of the year, favourite sport, their school...

The templates are mere suggestions. Please feel free to adapt or be creative and invent your own way of presenting yourself. You can use one or several pages. The idea is to choose the one that speaks to you.
To be paired with a new friend all you need to do is fill in the Pen Pal form. We will then find the perfect match for you.

This Pen Pal adventure is created through our family club Charlotte & Burlington which you are also welcome to join.
To receive all our content, we invite you to become part of the Charlotte and Burlington family. Click here to learn more and join us.
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